Thursday, June 10, 2010


"No matter how modest the meal, create a special place to sit down together, and set the table with care and respect. Savor the ritual of the table. Mealtime is a time for empathy and generosity, a time to nourish and communicate." -Alice Waters, The Art of Simple Food.
It was over cold cereal and hot coffee, Stargazer Lilies and bright blue place mats, that our day began, speculating about Greta's upcoming award ceremony. "I'll get something having to do with reading, I always do.." she said.It was over grilled cheeses, and salad with lots of radishes, Sweet William and Daisies, and fizzy water with lemon wedges, that the two, and three year old that I dined with chatted about hearing the train whistle, and wondered, "where's it going?"

It was over baked pesto mac 'n' cheese and steamed broccoli, and a tender little African Violet that we reflected. "Another crazy day", Adam said. But tonight there was chocolate cake for desert, on mismatched little plates that came from all over. Celebrating.

In between, Greta was indeed awarded for her reading, and in addition, a special recognition from her music teacher (that sound you hear is my Dad's heart skipping a syncopated beat), and a "citizenship" award, for being an awesome person.In between I walked to the Farmer's Market with my little charges, in intermittent rain, and bought some veggies, some chicken sausage, a ginger cookie (split, and gobbled immediately), and three stems of Sweet William. We picked some Daisies on our soggy walk back home.In between I negotiated bickering, washed dishes, wiped noses and did the chicken dance.

But during our modest little meals we connected and nourished.

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