Thursday, June 3, 2010


We are having a rough week. There, I said it. Greta's home from school today. Reason: stiff neck, and too fragile for public school. The only solution I can think of is lots of coloring, a good station on Pandora, and some hot tea. The affirmation on my tea says "The beauty of life is to experience yourself". I'm feeling pretty vulnerable at the moment, but I guess I'll take the advice and sit with it. Thank goodness it's a drizzly day.


  1. Coloring therapy always works for me when I am feeling down, the act of coloring allows my mind to ponder in a soothing way. Hopefully Greta's neck (and fragility) will heal quickly. Think of you...

  2. the very act of coloring is soothing to me. I have crayons at work and at home. Some days we are meant to just be...
    I hope that you all get through the drizzle and on to suuny.
    I love you
