Friday, September 18, 2009

And it was all yellow....

Moving has been a great opportunity for me to take inventory of all that we own.  Many, many carloads of outgrown clothes, toys and books were distributed to thrift stores, the library and the homeless shelter before we left Hancock, and there was still more "weeding" to do of miscellaneous belongings upon our arrival in Rockland.  The clutter of unneeded stuff creeps up on us quickly and sneakily, and really compromises the energy of our home.  That being said, there were certain things I was not ready to part with, but sick to death of looking at.  What to do??  Simon and I decided a little face lift was in order.

I do so love yellow!!  And  even though this autumn weather is the perfect weather (in my opinion), we all know what follows it, and in those months a little yellow will be just what we need!!

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