Friday, September 25, 2009

A gentle little party...

I love planning birthday parties for my kids.  I start thinking about it long before the day arrives and delight in the details that no one else notices.  The guest list, the menu, the craft and the parting gift, I love it all.  This year, with Greta's birthday falling within a month of our move, I felt a little lost.  Secretly, I hoped we could skip the friends birthday party altogether, while Greta secretly (or not so much) hoped to invite every single potential friend from school to a big bash.  In the end we reached a compromise and asked the two girls she has grown closest to in the past month over for a play date and pizza after school on Friday.

I didn't plan an activity.  I didn't buy party favors.  Balloons?  Nope.  The overachieving party planner in me was hanging her head in shame.  

On the walk home from school, they excitedly joined hands and giggled over one another's account of the day, and their plans for the afternoon.  They played happily, ate pizza and never noticed the lack of decorations.  Greta even organized an impromptu knitting lesson and each girl left with a set of needles and ball of yarn on loan to practice with at home.  It was a very special party.


  1. Isn't it always the case, the events we plan for the least end up being the most memorable...and the times we always long to re-create! It sounds like it was a wonderful afternoon with friends.

  2. ack...this is super duper cute. i love it. i love seeing you here in blogworld. i am so very sad we didn't see you in real world at the cgcf. would have been crazy and crazier. did you guys come? i am going to visit you soon...once i have time to leave my house for something other than work:) love you. p.
