Monday, January 4, 2010

Once Begun is Half Done...

The satisfaction of completion is elusive in my role as Mother and Homemaker, in fact I oftentimes feel like I never actually finish anything. Once a snack is prepared, enjoyed and cleaned up after, there are few sacred moments before bellies are empty again. The satisfaction of reveling a shiny kitchen floor are merely blinks before winter boots are tramped inside to sweat dirty snow puddles back onto it. If I'm in my rhythm, on my game, these things slip under my radar, and I accept that with the craziness (and wonderfulness) of life with children, comes dirty kitchens, and mountains of unfolded laundry, but somedays it feels more like battling chores and less like living life.

The holiday celebrations that felt at moments like they may never stop celebrating, also delivered some quiet moments in between cooking and cleaning and shopping and wrapping, to start, and yes, to finish a project. It was during the peaceful evenings that followed the bustle of the day, and while warming up with hot tea after sledding, and in those precious moments when just sitting and knitting and sharing space with my family was entertainment enough, that this little project was completed. With all of its novice knitters' imperfections, it offered me a lasting feeling of accomplishment, and the recipient was gracious and proud despite the several uneven rows.

In this new year, and new decade, I hope that I can finish more projects that fill me with such satisfaction, be a more available and present person to my friends and family, and accept my imperfections with grace.


  1. first of all great new header picture!! it is totally rockin'! and i love what you made for greta. it is so perfect and lovely and finished. i have a know how it goes! i miss you. we had a busy week and i totally ruined my back. i do hope to see you soon. i can come back to love love love to you and yours. happy peaceful new year! love, pennie

  2. That sweater is awesome!!! You did such a great job and I love the pattern on the back. I can't wait to see what you make next...
