Saturday, December 12, 2009

Surrender Dorothy...

After a balmy November, todays wind chill is like a literal slap in the face. I had big plans for this morning. A trip to the craft store, conquering the growing pile of recycling, and catching the Saturday morning story time at the library. Simon protested getting dressed, insisting on staying in "cozy PJ's" as he put it, and I couldn't really blame him. Greta began rehearsing a one girl dance recital that is taking place tonight (full with tickets, posters and costume changes), at approximately when-Dad-gets-home-from-work a clock (he is 1/3 of the audience mind you). The weather and the children seemed to be in synch, and once I caught up with them and surrendered my plan, the morning was succulently smooth. I hung our new bird feeder from a nearby tree branch, made pancakes, and did laundry, while Simon stood watch at the window, hoping to catch the first glimpse of hungry bird friends, all to the tune of the Nutcracker Ballet (which I'm pretty sure is the soundtrack to Greta's recital...). Lazy Saturday mornings, really nothing beats them.


  1. I would have loved to have been part of that one-girl-dance recital. Did she have a favorite song to dance to? I am thinking the weather was too cold for bird sighting...did Simon see any?

  2. What I meant to say, was that I would have liked to have been part of the AUDIENCE, not the dance so much...but, maybe!
