Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Walking along, singing a song.......

We walk to and from school every day. This is one of the benefits of our new home, and we take full advantage of it. The one morning that we didn't walk, the crossing guard mentioned it in the afternoon. It is during these moments that the morning's hectic mayhem melts away, and if we have anything to resolve, we've done it by the time we get to the school's front door.

This morning, Greta's friend joined us and they walked ahead playing "Laura and Mary Ingalls" and looking like wild bouquets. Simon trudged most of the way on foot too, pointing out every interesting bug and leaf along the way. I remind myself that life seems to go smoother when I travel at their pace rather than trying to impose my own. I'm grateful for the rhythm of our days.


  1. What a wonder fillied way to start your day. Have fun as they grow up to fast. Just look at my babies you and Heather.
    Love Mom

  2. I love your new "town"! I love that there seems to be a lot going on (more than Hancock), friends within walking distance, a safe neighborhood, and the ability to walk to school. You are going to have to start looking for teaching jobs for me in the area!
