Wednesday, November 25, 2009
American Pie....
Surely many kitchens across the country looked, sounded, and smelled similar to the way mine did today. The flour nestled in every nook of counter space and the random apple peels on the floor. The squeals of delight that come from the stickiness of fresh dough to the fingers. And the sweet, sweet smell of apple pie, mixed with a little sugary smoke, the sign of a pie bubbled over and filled to the brim with juicy goodness. Have a tasty Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I try really hard to keep my finger on the pulse of my gratitude daily. It tends to keep me and the big black hole of self pity at a safe distance. Ironically, it's usually the same things that cause me worry and stress that I am most grateful for. Don't get me wrong, there are regrets, big novel sized lists of regrets, and there are the overtired cranky Mama days when I wish the world would go away, just one moment of peace please. This is just the way life rolls, and when I feel a little better (sometimes a little dark chocolate helps ease it), I have the perspective of feeling grateful that I'm on the other side. It can be really annoying sometimes, but I like to be "glass half full" with a realistic side of sarcasm.

With Thanksgiving approaching, they are talking in school a lot about what they are thankful for, so it's been a good chance to include Greta in my practice. She says she's thankful for her family (YES!!), and her freedom, (somehow I think this may have been prompted at school) and I'm sure that the list will grow between now and next Thursday.
Right now I am just so, so grateful for little hands. Sticky at times, and hardly ever where they are supposed to be, they are also such great reminders about how fast things change. Our dining room table is littered with traced and cut out hands in various stages of turkeyhood, and it's hard for me to believe how big Greta's hands have gotten so quickly. When I have Greta's hand in one of mine, and Simon's in the other, I am so thankful for the physical connection that keeps them close and safe, even if they are a little sticky.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
This morning while I was tackling a seasonal clothing shift, and scurrying around emptying bathroom trash cans and such, I had a moment of peaceful appreciation. The folding and storing of warm weather clothing brought back memories of sand ringed bathtubs and popsicles, and the turtlenecks and long underwear made me look forward to snowmen and hot chocolate. The house was silent, and my head full of daydreams when I realized that the house was a little too quiet. What was Simon doing??.... and then I found him, and he looked very proud of his artwork! Luckily, the marker was washable, and came off easily with warm water. Where there is mischief to be made, he will find the quiet window to make it in!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
A tiny tidbit....
On our usual walk to school one day last week, Greta and I had this funny little conversation.
Greta: "Look at those flagpoles Mom. They are so tall that the flags are in windier weather than we are"
Me: "Which flags are those Greta?"
Greta: "The one on top is the American flag, and I'm pretty sure that the one under it is the Chinese flag."
Me: (laughing hysterically) "Greta! That flag below the American flag is the Maine State flag, silly!"
Greta: "Okay Mom, we are going to change the subject now."
She sincerely dislikes being corrected these days, but I give her kudos for good communication.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Rake, rake, raking........
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We spent this Veteran's Day catching up with some good friends. Dress up, playgrounds, walking puppies, eating out, some talk time for the Mom's (but not nearly enough, really), checking out new projects, herding the five children that we had in our charges, it was all very nice. I wish I had taken more photos of this glorious fall day, and the beautiful children I shared it with, but I got caught up in the moment, and that is a good thing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
History repeating itself....
My Dad always took me with him to the polls when he voted. It was waiting in the line that often wound down the two story stairwell and spilled out into the echoey hallway of the town office that I learned that women were denied the right to vote until 1920. The waiting in line, the sound of my Dad's name called out by the clerk, the tiny little booth, and the wooden padlocked box with it's little mail drop opening, it was all so romantic to me. Since turning 18 I haven't ever missed voting in an election.

I waited until Greta got home from school and then took her and Simon to vote with me today. The lines were significant, which I explained to Greta was a good thing (despite Simon's squirminess) because people cared to wait. There I was with my own children and all of the things I remembered about the experience but through their eyes. The lines, the booths, and the now electronic deposit box. I promised Greta my sticker that said "I Voted Today", but either there weren't any, or our swift escape with a very loud Simon made us miss them. I don't think she left with any new appreciation for the democratic process, but it was really important to me that she was there.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
All's well that ends well, and the candy helps too!
The five year age difference between my children is something that is helpful in most every situation. Greta could dress herself, tie her own shoes, buckle into the carseat unassisted and play on her own quite well before Simon was even born. She is cognitive of Simon's needs and the time that it takes to meet them and is flexible with her own.... except when it comes to a holiday that is all about dressing up and consuming loads of candy, that's where the buck comes to a screaming halt. The trick or treating must go on, with or without the temper tantruming 20 month old Robot in tow! Luckily, we had a lovely invitation from some friends to celebrate in their neighborhood (they also fed us a hefty healthy meal prior to the sugar insanity!) and the adults happily took over with Greta, when I had to bow out with Simon. I felt a little dissapointed about missing the trick or treating, but comforted the blow with roughly 12 peanut butter cups from Greta's stash after she fell asleep. Either way, she was the best Hermoine, and he the cutest Robot that we saw all night!
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